Rudy's Railway Adventures

One dog, one railway, one heck of an adventure!

Croftfoot: Croft Park

Croft Park is a newly developed park on an old golf course in the Croftfoot area of Glasgow’s southside.

Rudy didn’t know what to expect from Croft Park at all, we weren’t even sure if it was a real park or just an overgrown vacant site before we arrived! This is where Kings Park Golf Club had a hillside nine-hole course. Now long closed it has been redeveloped as a community park.

As a new park it’s currently very sparse but the paths are good & strong and the views are worth the walk to the top. The young tree planting is protected by deer fences just now but they’re hardly noticeable.

We met four or five other dogs walking round the park including a little terrier called Norman who played at chases with Rudy. There’s plenty of space for dogs to explore and investigate, there’s good paths and views over the city – it was a very good little dog walk!

Croft Park is a ten minute walk from Croftfoot train station. The paths are newly laid good tarmac and despite being set on a hillside none are overly steep.

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1 Comment

  1. Karen Fallon 26 Mar 2024

    Great for dog walking I stay behind it but it’s getting really bad for litter and becoming a dumping ground me and a few dog walkers are arranging a litter picking day in may to try clean it as a few of us have had to goto vets for our dogs as they have eaten stuff people have tossed away need to try contact council and see if we can get place camera up and more litter bins would help

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