Rudy's Railway Adventures

One dog, one railway, one heck of an adventure!

Langside: Newlands Park

When Rudy visited Langside Station he had the chance to go and explore the history of the Battle of Langside or take the old name of the station “Langside and Newlands” as a hint to visit Newlands Park.
He chose the park.

Rudy at Newlands Park

Newlands Park was created in 1913 as part of the many parcels of land gifted to Glasgow City Corporation by the Stirling-Maxwell family. There is a children’s play area at the top of the hill, a nice botanical walk through next to the pond and a cafe in the pavilion building. Rudy’s favourite thing was playing chases with a ten month old mini-schnauzer on the hillside in the evening sunshine!

The Dandelion Cafe allows dogs to sit in the outside area only and is usually open 10am-4pm. The park was very popular with dogs when we visited on a fine evening around 5:30pm.

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