Rudy's Railway Adventures

One dog, one railway, one heck of an adventure!

Giffnock: Huntly Park

When Rudy visited Giffnock station he took a walk around the boundary of the old Braidbar Quarry before exploring Huntly Park.

Giffnock’s growth in the 19th Century was tied to the success of sandstone quarries. The town grew to surround four of these which has left a large greenspace between housing developments. Much of this is closed off as the old Braidbar Quarry site includes underground mining that is now unsafe. The rest has been made accessible so there’s still plenty of space to enjoy Huntly Park.

We saw very little evidence of the old quarry workings while exploring Huntly Park except when we cut across a little of the woodland and found what we thought was an old ditch path. Looking at a 1952 map though it’s marked as a drain presumably constructed once the quarry started to flood. Nearby we found a decorated tree stump which made this clearing feel very special!

Huntly Park is a ten minute walk from Giffnock train station, there are two large areas marked out as football pitches and a small children’s play area. The little woodland and open grass area are well separated from these though and we felt the park made for a very good little dog walk and picnic spot.

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