Rudy's Railway Adventures

One dog, one railway, one heck of an adventure!



Station 75

Rudy arrived at 11:32 on a train from Glasgow Central and departed at 12:33 on a train towards East Kilbride.

Giffnock Station

Opened in 1866, Giffnock railway station has normally seen 350,000 yearly passengers in recent figures. The railway here is one of the last to remain worked by diesel trains in the south Glasgow network which means the cast iron footbridge remains open as originally built. Initial work had started on electrification of the line to East Kilbride when we visited but still in the very, very early stages.


Giffnock is in East Renfrewshire and the town lies within the southwest edge of the Greater Glasgow urban sprawl. It’s growth was originally tied to sandstone quarries but it’s now mostly a suburban commuter town for Glasgow City.

Giffnock is a fifteen minute train journey from Glasgow Central on the route towards East Kilbride. When we travelled it was one of the last remaining diesel routes within the South Glasgow rail network.

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