Glasgow's East End
A walk between Glasgow and Glasgow Queen Street stations.

After a run around on Glasgow Green we walked back to

An empty event notice board and the closed for renovation People's Palace. Lucky Rudy was just here to run around the grass lawns!

The Barras
"One of Glasgow's most famous institutions." The Barras is an incredibly popular weekend street and indoor market - you haven't visited Glsgow until you've been to the barras on market day. Except Rudy's not a fan of crowds because he's only wee - nothing stopping him getting a tourist photo on a quiet midweek afternoon.

Barrowland Park
Created in 2014 as part of the Commonwealth Games legacy, the park and "album pathway" listing the names and dates of gigs at the Barrowlands was meant to be temporary but has remained albeit worse the wear now after a decade. Rudy had no interest in waiting while I looked through the 200 gigs to find the ones I'd been to.