Plockton Village
A walk at Plockton train station.

Plockton village is within a sheltered inlet bay at the western end of Loch Carron. The surviving 19th Century houses and imported palm trees mean it's popular with tourists as well as appearing in film and television.

Planned Village
The village's location protected from the worst of the highland weather is no lucky accident. The village was planned out & built to house highlanders cleared from their old homes when sheep farming was imposed on the area.
The villagers new occupation was to be fishing. Good local fish means popular fish takeaways for tourists.

Rudy chose to eat his fish & chips out on the little island accessible at low tide.
Plockton Harbour

Plockton harbour is around 15 minutes walk from the train station and the village has some shops, a collection of places to eat and there are public toilets free to use (voluntary donations accepted).