A walk at Strathcarron train station.
An hour between trains at Strathcarron during lambing season gave Rudy the option of having lunch at the Strathcarron Hotel or - well actually he didn't think another option was required. Lunch it was!

Strathcarron Hotel
The Thistle café & diner is part of the old station hotel at Strathcarron. Halfway through a long travel day and almost an hour since the last picnic stop Rudy visited for lunch.

We liked our lunch here enough to ask and confirm that the Strathcarron Hotel has dog friendly rooms for dogs wanting to come back again and stay for breakfast as well!
Just a little walk too

We did have a pre-planned walk at Strathcarron but there were sheep with brand new lambs being checked and marked right next to the station ramp (less than a metre away). We did stretch our legs a little along a different path but while Rudy doesn't care about sheep the ewe's don't know he's a good dog and we chose to keep a big distance to not stress the new mothers.