The Titan Crane & Clydebank Riverside
A walk at Clydebank train station.

Our walk from Clydebank was easy to plan - out of the station and straight down to the River Clyde to see a BIG crane. What we didn't know is that the walk along the bank here has been cleaned up into a good path and a wilderness meadow!
Titan Clydebank
This 46m (150 foot) cantilever crane was a record breaker when it was completed in 1907 for the John Brown Shipyards. It was the world's largest of it's type and the first cantilever to be electrically powered. It was refurbished in 2007 as a tourist attraction with a viewing platform at the top and a shipbuilding museum at the bottom.

Clydebank Riverside
The banks of the River Clyde for many miles are still active industry or old industrial brownfield sites. The area next to the Titan Crane in Clydebank has been slightly landscaped as a wide stretch of open land left to wilderness meadow - a Rudy favourite!

The walkway laid out next to the river itself is new and a great walk for a fine day. Wide, flat and even it's accessible for everyone and Rudy definitely wished we had taken more time to walk further along than pose for silly photographs!