Hillington and Penilee Park
A walk between Hillington East and Hillington West stations.

Rudy walked between Hillington East and Hillington West train stations by heading up the hill and then across to Penilee Park.
A very wee hill.
Hillington is at a southwestern edge of Glasgow City and there is indeed a little hill to climb through the blocks of flats. The western slope remains open ground though making for a nice little space for dogs to run around or to sit and enjoy a bit of a view over Glasgow.

Penilee Park
Dominated by electricity pylons, Penilee Park is a north-south strip with a children's play area and a few benches along it's core path.

It was full mid-morning by the time Rudy got to Penilee Park and the August heatwave mad for a sit-in-the-shade visit despite Rudy wanting to investigate all the smells in the new mown grass!

Hillington and Penilee are both residential areas adopted into Glasgow during the 1930s. The area is notable that council housing continued to be built here during World War II for workers at the nearby factories essential to the war effort.