Hermitage Park
A walk between Helensburgh Upper and Helensburgh Central stations.
Halfway between Helensburgh Upper and Helensburgh Central train stations is Hermitage Park.
Rudy had a late breakfast picnic in the park while watching an outdoor exercise class be far too enthusiastic about burpees.

Previously the site of Hermitage House its garden grounds became a public park in 1911. It's a fairly small park but it manages a lot of variation - there's a walled kitchen garden, formal flower beds and a tiny wee bit for a secluded walk along the Millig Burn.

Helensburgh Town
Rudy had a busy day when he visited Helensburgh and we chose to rest a while in Hermitage Park halfway between two stations rather than walking much along the shore. We did go for a little look at the view and a short run on the beach before our next train though.

Hermitage Park has a cafe with a fairly large outside terrace seating area which looks really nice to sit at but I'm uncertain if there are toilets for general park users during daytime hours.