Arbroath Beach: West Links
A walk at Arbroath train station.
Rudy visited Arbroath twice in July 2021, once for an afternoon at the beach and then a few days later to see some local history.

Arbroath Beach
The beachfront at Arbroath is very popular on hot days - there seems like a huge amount of stuff for children to enjoy. Closest to the attractions & kids fun park at the north/east of the beach there's a small section of rocky shore but then a sandy beach stretches along the coast. It was a bit too hot to be running around so Rudy spent his time watching people swim in the sea and enjoy the sun. He may have shared an ice cream that was eaten far too quick for photographs!
Arbroath West Links
Sandwiched between Arbroath Beach and the Dundee-Aberdeen railway line is the West Links. It would normally be an ideal place for Rudy to run around chasing if we hadn't visited in the middle of a heatwave! So instead we headed to one of the shelters for a picnic in the shade while Rudy spent his time sleeping in the sun, maybe dreaming of his puppy days in the Spanish sun!
Kerr's Miniature Railway
First opened in 1935, Kerr's Miniature Railway was the oldest miniature railway in Scotland until it sadly closed in October 2020. Rudy never got the chance to visit while it was open despite going past so often on his train trips. It looks like it would have been a really fun adventure to take a little steam train ride here.