Rudy's Railway Adventures

One dog, one railway, one heck of an adventure!

Greenock West

Greenock West

Station 136

Rudy visited Greenock West on
Sunday, 14th August 2022
arriving at 13:03 on a train from Hillington West.

Greenock West Station

Greenock West was opened in 1889 when the Caledonian Railway extended their line onwards to Gourock. This extra distance westward along the Firth of Clyde meant their steamer services out-competed their rivals.

Greenock West station is in a cutting between two tunnels that carry the railway through the town. Combined with the heavy red brick construction the station almost feels like a castle in some places!

At the west end on the station just before the railway heads into the Newton Street tunnel there is a iron box girder aqueduct which carries the West Burn over the tracks.

The aqueduct is in the centre of this photo.

Greenock West is on the Gourock branch of the Inverclyde Line, fast trains from Glasgow Central take 33 minutes, slower stopping trains take around three quarters of an hour. It’s six minutes from the end of the line at Gourock.

The station is listed as staffed throughout the day. Both platforms are subsurface in a deep cutting without step-free access. There are no toilet facilities.

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