Inverkeithing Fairy Kirk Mist
A walk at Inverkeithing train station.

Rudy didn't spend as much time at Inverkeithing as planned. The late November mist was okay for something a bit different but not a Big Adventure day!
Our chosen walk is labelled on maps as Fairy Kirk Quarry and later as disused tips. It's now kept aside by the local council for use as informal green space between the M90 motorway and the residential streets of Inverkeithing.

Rudy loves these overgrown "wasteland" spaces to explore along vague paths and into the long grasses but this day was just a little too damp and miserable. The novelty of scents held in the still calm air and the mist collapsing visibility to our own wee world wore off once our feet got wet through.

There are other train stations nearby, maybe we'll get to walk through here again in better weather, for today this was enough.