Rudy's Railway Adventures

One dog, one railway, one heck of an adventure!

Mount Vernon: Gruffalo Trail

Rudy’s visit to Mount Vernon was short but managed to include a walk along part of the old railway where he met some right characters.

Mount Vernon is in the east end of Glasgow and Rudy arrived after a walk from Garrowhill’s Early Braes Park and the back of Barrachnie Park.

We were heading for Mount Vernon Park and a small Gruffalo Trail marked on the map here but instead found a very special bonus for a railway-loving pup!

On a short section of old railway path we found large wooden models of a train and a station where Rudy was able to sit in the ticket office and be station master for a while. He did not know when the next train was due.

After spending time at the model railway Rudy had to rush along the Gruffalo Trail to catch his train home but we still managed to meet the mouse, the fox and the Gruffalo themselves.

The Gruffalo Trail at Mount Vernon is on a section of old railway line that once served the Burntbroom Colliery but now forms the north end of Mount Vernon Park. It’s a five minute walk from the railway station.

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