Rudy's Railway Adventures

One dog, one railway, one heck of an adventure!

Greenock: Well Park

Rudy only took half an hour between trains for his walk at Greenock Central but with eight other stations in the town we’ll not miss out by one quick visit this time!

Through the station arches, across Station Avenue and up a couple flights of stairs to Well Park before returning to via the top Terrace Road entrance back into the train station meant this walk as less than one kilometre.

Near the top of the steps we paused to look out at the view towards the Firth of Clyde. I think we covered almost everything with seeing the Greenock Town House tower, shipbuilding cranes, and a visiting cruise ship.

Well Park is a formal square park with Greenock’s cenotaph memorial in the centre. It’s quite exposed and used by lots of dogs so plenty of smells to get Rudy’s interest even for a small park.

Well Park takes it’s name from an old well in the northeast corner but as the gates at that side were padlocked shut we ended up missing it by walking round the park in the wrong direction!

The Greenock Well Park well.

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