Dundee City Centre
A walk at Dundee train station.

Rudy didn't have long to explore Dundee when we visited during a break of journey so he was just taken on a quick tourist selfie trail around the city centre. Daft ideas equals daft expressions in Rudy World!
RRS Discovery
A traditional three-masted sailing ship built in Dundee and launched in 1901. Designed for Antarctic expeditions The Discovery became the first Royal Research Ship and as one of only two surviving ships from the "Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration" is now part of the award winning Discovery Point museum experience.

V&A Dundee
The V&A Dundee museum opened in 2018 with exhibitions focused on design. It's the first V&A "branch" outside of London. It's right on the waterfront of the Firth of Tay and its location fair catches the wind sometimes!

Caird Hall
Constructed between 1914 and 1923 the Caird Hall provides the background to Dundee's main civic square. Graduations and concerts are held inside, skateboarding and resting shoppers are found outside.

Desperate Dan
There's lots of modern culture statues around Dundee but Rudy's focus was on getting his photo taken with Dawg! Desperate Dan (and his dog, Dawg) has appeared in The Dandy comic since its first issue in 1937 published by DC Thomson based in Dundee.

The Public Art Dundee website has a page dedicated to walking (and cycling) trails around Dundee to explore far more than we had time for!