Clarkston to Williamwood
A walk between Clarkston and Williamwood stations.
Clarkston and Williamwood train stations are near neighbours but on different train lines. Less than a mile apart a train journey between the two takes more than an hour having to travel back into Glasgow Central to connect! Rudy chose to walk. Its still took him far more than an hour though because it's not a Rudy's Railway Adventure walk without stopping for a picnic somewhere.
Library Hill Park
Library Hill park is a strip of greenspace land opposite Clarkston station and the railway line to East Kilbride. Laid out when the 1920s bungalows were built here it kept it's name of Stamperland Hill until the 1960s when Clarkston Library was built towards the west end. The east side of the park has a sheltered corner where Rudy ate his lunch and wondered if the weather was going to stay dry, those clouds are maybe threatening rain or have they already given up!
Tinker's Park
Tinker's Park is one of those small greenspaces that was obviously a bit of awkward ground during development of an area. There's a children's play area at one end and a small group of trees in the middle. Pieces of greenspace like this are still nice distractions from streets when out walking so we're not going to really grudge it having a "park" name.
Tinker's Park, Williamwood
Cleugh Field
Last on our zig-zagging past all the green bits on the map to get to Williamwood station is this empty bit of ground between houses. Maybe sometimes somebody picnics here or children play but today it's just a big old investigation field for Rudy to sniff around before his train home!

Information about Library Hill Park is thanks to the Stamperland Fandom under a CC-BY-SA license.