Baillieston & Greenoakhill
A walk at Baillieston train station.

At Baillieston station, Rudy took a walk along some waste ground next to the railway and then headed across to Greenoakhill - a former quarry & landfill that's being transformed into an urban forest.

The strip of land between the railway and road on the southern side of Baillieston train station isn't used for anything "official". The electricity pylons prevent development and it's too boggy in places for a formal park. The worn paths and lack of litter make it clear though that dog walks and family exploring are common activities here.

The far section shows why the other areas are so clear of litter - up this little set of old steps is the bottle graveyard where the people hang out.

Rudy's happy to leave that area to the humans when they've left him plenty to explore further along.
Greenoakhill: Quarry, Landfill & Forrest

Greenoakhill is, all at once, a quarry and a landfill site and a new forest. We don't think much quarrying goes on now with most activity being landfill. The older sections though have been covered for a long time and trees planted to "restore" the land to forest.

There's little evidence of the landfill when walking the new forest section and it's been well landscaped for what must be several years now. Rudy is okay with the outcome but we're told it might be a very different smelly experience after warm weather!