Never Mind The Polloks

There are four stations in the southside of Glasgow with names starting with "Pollok". On 5th August 2022 Rudy took a trip to visit all of them in one afternoon!

Three of the four Pollok- stations are on the Cathcart Circle lines while Pollokshaws West is on the Glasgow South Western route.

All four "Pollok" stations in Glasgow's southside.

From Maryhill to Glasgow Central

Rudy at Maryhill Station listening to instructions of everywhere we're going on today's adventure.

The 14:32 to Glasgow Queen Street and those ears are back because he's worried that the treat pocket is going to run out.

Quick connection from Queen Street to Central but made it with time to take a quick photo before departure time,

The 15:06 from Glasgow Central to Pollokshields, Rudy's looking fed up with today's silly idea already!

Pollokshields East

The first of our new station visits today was to Pollokshields East.

Pollokshields East is overlooked by one of Glasgow's four Gurdwaras.

Pollokshields: East to West

To get from one Pollokshields station to the other we took a half hour walk via Govanhill Park taking the chance to go over the 1877 Moray Place Footbridge before it's replaced with a more modern design suitable for the electrification of the railway here.

Pollokshields West

A revisit - Rudy's first trip to Pollokshields West exactly 3 years ago at the start of his adventures!

Our previous visit was part of our first big wander around the southside.

Pollokshields to Pollokshaws: West to East

Just a five minute train trip between Pollokshields West and Pollokshaws East but Rudy was very much looking forward getting a treat for posing for his Dogs On Trains photo.

That didn't quite come out as flattering as he hoped 😅

Pollokshaws East

Our second new station of the day was Pollokshaws East.

The small wall opposite platform 2 at Pollokshaws East is actually the parapet of a bridge over the White Cart River on which the station is built!

Pollokshaws: East to West

Our walk from Pollokshaws East took us southwest through Auldhouse Park.

Before our last station and the train home Rudy got a very special treat by visiting Pets At Home store where he got to choose a new toy. He chose ALL THE TREATS PLEASE.

Someone maybe sulked at going home with only one new bag of treats.

Pollokshaws West

Our last station of the day was Pollokshaws West which we first visited in December 2019.

Just as well this was a revist because we got lost behind new house building and fences and ended up with a very quick dash to catch the train just in time to take one quick photo!

Southside to Maryhill

Two last trains from Pollokshaws to Glasgow Central and then Queen Street to Gilshochill and I think Rudy was done with getting his photo taken for the day!

Our Journey Itinerary

Forty-eight minutes on five trains with just under an hour & a half walking & exploring. That's a very busy afternoon for a little terrier who definitely deserves a longer adventure next time!