A Tayside Picnic
A walk at Invergowrie train station.

At Invergowrie station Rudy learned that the exit gate on platform 1 was made just for him to get off a train and right away be able to run along a path through the woods!
A Waterside Picnic
Five minutes into the journey from Dundee towards Perth the line sweeps past Invergowrie Bay and just before Invergowrie Station it runs very close to the water - or mud flats depending on the tide! For a moment there's a view right across the Firth of Tay and we've long thought this would be a wonderful spot for a picnic.
Right outside the station we went looking for a nice picnic spot down at the water's edge. Rudy thought this fallen tree was an ideal bench for us but was over-ruled as the view was rather restricted by the tall reeds!

Only a minute or so further along there are a couple of boathouses and they offered some nice solid (dry!) concrete that we chose as a make-do picnic place. A proper suntrap for Rudy meant he was very happy to rest here, and the sound of gentle waves soothed away the lack of soft ground to sit on!
We sat here for a while after finishing out picnic snacks, just enjoying the warm afternoon looking across the firth and enjoying the sound of water lapping at the slipway. Only when it was time to head back for our train did we realise that, of course, the tide had been coming in and the path we took to get here was now underwater! Luckily the alternative, long way round had steps up to the nice dry wooded path again and we didn't miss our train :)
Invergowrie Greenspaces
We didn't give ourselves enough time to explore Invergowrie. The irregular timetable made planning a little awkward and we had a deadline time we wanted to be back in Glasgow for so couldn't extend our visit - but also we tried to fit too much in! We did manage to visit a little of the village itself with a walk through the little memorial park to the ruins of the Dargie Kirk
We actually started our visit to Invergowrie by taking a walk to the nearby Riverside Nature Park - and while we did find a great picnic site (with compost toilet!) we'd expected wide open spaces for Rudy to enjoy but at this side of the park fences restrict access to just the paths and in hindsight we'd rather have explored more around our waterside picnic spot.
View of Invergowrie